The following syllabus statement is for courses under Technology, Mathematics & Sciences (STEM):

[Course PREFIX and Number]: [COURSE TITLE]

This is a Core IMPACTS course that is part of the STEM area.

Core IMPACTS refers to the core curriculum, which provides students with essential knowledge in foundational academic areas. This course will help master course content, and support students’ broad academic and career goals.

This course should direct students toward a broad Orienting Question:

  • How do I ask scientific questions or use data, mathematics or technology to understand the universe?

Completion of this course should enable students to meet the following Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will use the scientific method and laboratory procedures or mathematical and computational methods to analyze data, solve problems and explain natural phenomena.

Course content, activities and exercises in this course should help students develop the following Career-Ready Competencies:

  • Inquiry and Analysis
  • Problem-Solving
  • Teamwork